Innovative Solutions for Unforgettable Journeys

More ways to guide, create, and enhance your visitor experience than anywhere else.

Education, Curation, Visitor Services, Marketing.

Adaptable Features That Span Departments.

Audio Content
Educational overviews with a plentitude of features for deeper dives. Linear, map-based, age specific, themed, podcast-style and more, we offer a variety of options for sharing your stories.
A blue icon of a head wearing headphones, representing listening and audio experiences. This icon is used for personalized audio guides and interactive listening features in museum apps.
Augmented Reality
Your visitors might think of augmented reality as magic, but you should think of it as a tool. A tool for expressing themes, imparting information, and enhancing tours in a memorable way.
A blue icon of a smartphone displaying AR (Augmented Reality) with a camera icon, symbolizing the integration of AR technology in mobile devices. This icon represents augmented reality experiences in museum apps
Inside or out, blue-dot guidance and top-down zooming makes wayfinding intuitive and easy.
A blue icon of a folded map, representing navigation and geographic information. This icon is used for interactive maps and wayfinding tools in museum apps.
Your app should look like YOURS. Personalization options make sure visitors know they are engaging with experiences created by you.
A blue icon of a bookmark, representing saved items and favorite content. This icon is used for marking important information and resources in digital collections.
Games provide visitors the ability to interact with, and relate to, exhibits and artifacts through play. Scavenger hunts, puzzles, trivia quizzes and more make complex ideas easy to engage with.
A blue icon of a puzzle piece represents problem-solving and interactive elements. This icon is used for gamification features and educational puzzles in museum apps.
Location-Aware Content
Not everyone wants a tour. Location-aware technology allows wandering visitors to explore content in their immediate surroundings and at their leisure.
A blue icon of stacked layers, representing grouped elements and digital organization. This icon is used for managing multiple content layers in museum software.
App Downloads
AR Experiences
Audio Tours
App Features
More Ways to Tell Your Story.
Digital storytelling means more than an empty platform. While other mobile apps provide you with a blank canvas, we help fill that canvas, display it and maintain it so that your institution can deliver audiences a lasting masterpiece.
Museum staff collaborate in a library setting, brainstorming and planning museum engagement strategies with the help of museum digital tools from Guru Experience. The session focuses on audience engagement techniques, museum interactive displays, and tech solutions for museums to create scalable museum app platforms and enhance museum visitor interaction.

We Don't Set Up and Run.

We’re in it for the long haul. We stick with you throughout the life of the product to help create new tours, highlight new exhibits and continually enhance the experience. We use tried and true museum tech solutions to meet your needs and keep everything up to date.

A blue icon of a gear, representing settings and configurations. This icon is used for customization and system settings in digital tools and museum apps.
Long-Term Partnership

Your dedicated partner for continuous improvement.

A blue icon of a smartphone with a button, representing mobile device functionality. This icon is used for mobile app interfaces and responsive design features.
Proven Tech Solutions

Reliable, up-to-date museum technology solutions.

Content Management System (CMS)

Our platform offers the only cloud-based CMS on the market built specifically for museums and cultural attractions.

Start small with a simple audio tour, and grow to include seamless wayfinding and augmented reality. Our team of experts will be with you every step of the way.

A blue icon of gallery thumbnails, symbolizing image collections and visual archives. This icon represents digital galleries and collections management in museum software.
Museum App - CMS

The only cloud-based CMS tailored for museums.

A blue icon of stacked layers, representing grouped elements and digital organization. This icon is used for managing multiple content layers in museum software.
Scalable and Supportive

Start small and expand with expert guidance.

A display of the Guru Experience platform on various devices, including a desktop computer, tablet, and smartphone. The dashboard showcases detailed analytics, user interactions, and engagement statistics for museum apps. This image highlights Guru Experience's comprehensive digital tools for museums, including custom app development, interactive museum experiences, and scalable museum engagement platforms.


Transform the everyday smartphone into an immersive, experience. Visitor enhancing tool for your museum.

Our innovative, location-aware technology not only leads the industry but also features intuitive design, seamlessly integrates with your unique brand, and offers unparalleled ease of use. Discover how you can revolutionize visitor engagement and create unforgettable experiences.
A blue icon of an artist palette, symbolizing creative and artistic content. This icon represents visual arts, creative tools, and design elements in digital platforms.
Tell us about your project.

Not ready for a full-blown app experience? Our platform options are adaptable to fit your needs and can easily expand when you're ready.

A blue icon of tickets represents event admission and digital tickets. This icon is used for ticketing systems and event management in museum apps.
Get a quote.

We may surprise you. A flexible platform means we're better equipped to meet you where you are.

A 3D icon depicting a classical museum building in a blue gradient, representing cultural heritage and educational institutions. The modern design emphasizes digital transformation in museums.Mail Icon
A modern 3D icon with layered geometric shapes in blue and silver, symbolizing artwork and creativity. The gradient effect highlights the dynamic and innovative design for digital solutions.A 3D icon featuring a smartphone with headphones, representing audio tours. The glossy blue gradient and metallic surfaces emphasize the integration of technology in museum audio guide systems.
A 3D icon featuring a smartphone with headphones, representing audio tours. The glossy blue gradient and metallic surfaces emphasize the integration of technology in museum audio guide systems.User Icon
Discover the exceptional features

Powerful Solutions. Seamless Experiences.